What World AIDS Day events to register
You can register any event for World AIDS Day that is open to the public. Events should focus on raising awareness and understanding of HIV, remembering lost loved ones and/or fundraising.
Some people run small private events – such as hosting dinner parties or wrapping trees in red fabric. You don’t need to register these. But we are very happy if you want to raise awareness through a small event.
Why register
When you register your event with us, it’s visible to anyone who comes to this website. This increases the likelihood that people will attend your event or host their own World AIDS Day activity.
When to register
Please register your World AIDS Day event by 15 November each year.
How to register
To register your event, contact WAD@health.gov.au to be put in contact with your state or territory events coordinator in your state or territory. They will ask you to provide information about your event:
physical or online
location (if physical)
link (if online)
description, including cost
date and time
contact person
further information.